Hupalo and Repasky Pipe Organs proudly presented their newly rebuilt organ at the 2024 AGO Convention, highlighted by a captivating performance by Shin-Young Lee & Olivier Latry and the Berkeley Symphony. The concert served as a striking display of the 63-stop, 47-rank instrument, eliciting an enthusiastic reaction from the full audience in the sanctuary.
The instrument, which has been completely rebuilt, includes stops from the original organ, as well as numerous new ranks. The selection and voicing of the ranks were carried out under the tonal guidance of William Visscher to produce a unified instrument with exceptional blend and a wide range of tones. The addition of new chambers has significantly expanded the expressive capabilities of the instrument, which were effectively demonstrated during the Convention performance.

The AGO Convention performance on July 2nd, 2024 was deeply engaging, with flawless technical execution, brilliant use of the colors of the organ and incredible dynamic range. The pieces performed with the Berkeley Symphony were arranged to trade dialog between the orchestra and the organ in very moving exchanges. The blend of all instruments was seamless and the exchange of phrases between them was cohesive in timbre and volume. The audience, composed of organists from all over the US, was on their feet at the end of each piece.

We from Hupalo and Repasky Pipe Organs were grateful to have our newest creation utilized in such a moving recital. We look forward to the next opportunities to create instruments and experiences for future generations.
Links to performances:
For further information, please don't hesitate to contact us at 510-483-6905, email me at, or visit our website at
